Friday, December 14, 2007

Create a simple WorkFlow For SharePoint 2007 using VSTS 2008

Create a simple WorkFlow For SharePoint 2007 using Visual Studio Team Suite 2008

For VSTS 2008 environment : Get it from here >>

Now. after setting up the VSTS 2008 environment, open the Visual Studio 2008 and click on the create project.

Now select the workflow type you want to create. Here in this demonstration i'm creating the Sequential WorkFlow.

Here the next screen display with two text box. One the first one is enter your WorkFlow name and the seond one to enter your SharePoint Site address.

Next is the assigning the WorkFlow to the desired place. We have option for automatically associate workflow to selected Document Library or List. And Other option like Task list assigning and etc...

Next is how the workflow should be started and other options.

and now just run the workflow you will get the output.

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